Compute Time

A compute hour is defined as a summarized unit of time consumed by computing services during data processing. Infor customers are provided entitlements in units of hours with individual query execution and processing time being metered up to the nearest whole second.

While metering and diagnostic capabilities are provided to data administrators that provide telemetry in milliseconds (ms), licensed compute time is rounded up to the nearest whole second on a per-query basis. Summary compute time may be calculated as the aggregated sum of time elapsed spent of successful queries executed over a period of time. This compute time is measured in compute hours.

Usage and consumption of the Data Fabric’s Compass query platform including the Compass Query Editor, Compass APIs, or Compass database driver services (JDBC) are subject to metered consumption of compute hour entitlements as defined within the Data Fabric’s Service Levels.

The time spent during actual execution of compute processing time in order to return a result to a valid ANSI SQL query is summarized and metered against the compute hour summary entitled to Infor OS.

Time elapsed in the following scenarios is not subject to consumption of compute hours:

  • Queued: Compass queries may be queued in accordance with Acceptable Use policies to maintain quality of service as well as during such times of high-volume activities. Time spent in the queue is not calculated or otherwise aggregated as a billable compute unit.
  • Data preparation: Infor may prepare and optimize data prior to initializing query execution. Any time spent during this data preparation and optimization phase is not subject to compute hour metering.
  • Failed queries*: Invalid queries or queries that encounter an error during processing are not subject to compute hour metering.

Any queries canceled by a user, system, or process after submission of a query to Compass but prior to the successful completion of the query is subject to measurement of compute hours up to the time of cancellation.

*In the event a query exceeds a 60-minute timeout limit, the query is subject to consumption of compute time in full despite non-delivery of a result. See Compass best practices to identify methods of optimizing queries submitted to Compass to reduce compute hour consumption.