API Gateway

Infor OS API Gateway is a software system for brokering requests from API consumers, such as web and mobile applications, and API providers, such as Infor CloudSuites and third-party services. All available SaaS APIs are managed and accessed via the API Gateway.

How to increase your service limits

Additional subscription quantities can be obtained using add-on SKU: ION-S-GATEWAY
Add-on SKU sold with license method (LM) of: TECH
Add-on quantities available in multiples of: 65,000 up to 250,000 – then multiples of 250,000
Add-on increments service resource: API Executions
Included quantity per tier: Foundation: 125,000 Essentials: 250,000 Professional: 1,250,000 Enterprise: 6,250,000

Subscription Quantity Range & Usage Limits Information

Resource Type 1 to 249,999 250,000 to 1,249,999* 1,250,000 to 6,249,999* 6,250,000 and above* TECH LM Resource Unit Measured @ Tenant/ Customer
Usage Entitlement Max Peak Utilization Rate per Minute Usage Entitlement Max Peak Utilization Rate per Minute Usage Entitlement Max Peak Utilization Rate per Minute Usage Entitlement Max Peak Utilization Rate per Minute
API Executions Add-on Subscription quantity 3,000 Subscription quantity 3,000 Subscription quantity 3,000 Subscription quantity 15,000 Executions per day Tenant
Service Account Authentication Linked 1,000 20 1,000 20 2,500 20 5,000 100 Executions per day Tenant
Access Tokens (per client) Linked 100 100 100 100 Executions per day Tenant
*Volume-based discount available for these subscription quantity ranges.