
  1. Select the Provisioning tab and click Configure API Integration.
  2. Select the Enable API Integration check box.
    When you select the Enable API Integration check box, the Base URL, Username, and Password text boxes are enabled. The Username and Password values are the same values that are obtained from the prerequisites section.
    1. Copy the value from User Identifier and SCIM Password from Infor Ming.le Cloud Edition into these Username and available from the same page where the SCIM User Identifier and SCIM password are created in the prerequisite step.Password fields respectively.
    2. Copy the Base URL
    3. When all three fields are populated, click Test API Credentials available. The display of the Infor CloudSuite was verified successfully message signifies that Okta can connect to Infor Ming.le Cloud Edition.
    4. Click Save.
  3. Click the Edit button on the right and select these check boxes:
    • Create Users
    • Update User Attributes
    • Deactivate Users
  4. Click Save.