Frequently Asked Questions, April 2024

  • Q: I bookmarked a help topic on Documentation Central. When I click the bookmark, it takes me to the parent page of the documentation content, instead of the topic I bookmarked.

    A: Click Copy URL in the topic. Then edit your bookmark and paste the URL.

  • Q: Why does my bookmark now give me a 404 error / page not found?

    A: There are a couple of possible causes. If you bookmarked a topic in a previous version of the documentation, it might be that that version has been removed, or that the URL of the version has been updated. We recommend that you browse to your product, select the required version and navigate to the information you need, using the Browse Products A-Z page.

  • Q: I searched for the content I need but cannot find it.

    A1: Please try the suggestions in Search Tips.

    A2: If you know the title of the guide or have an idea what it might be called, use the Search titles only option.

    A3: It might be that the information is available in PDF format only. We are currently unable to include PDF content in our search. Browse to your product using the Browse Products A-Z page, select the required version and check the links to the documentation.

  • Q: I searched for information and was shown multiple pages with the same title in the search result. Which should I choose?

    A1: You may find that the search results differ slightly, by version or language. You can filter on product, version and language to narrow down the results. Some of our content is available in different guides for the same product. You might find that the search results display the same topic title, product, version and language, but the Publication Title is different.

    A2: If you know the title of the guide or have an idea what it might be called, use the Search titles only option. This searches only the document titles, and ignores the content. The search results are much shorter, making it easier to find the guide you are looking for.

  • Q: I still cannot find the information I need. Who can I contact?

    A: Send an email to

  • Browse Products A-Z