Rule versions

With rule versions, you can create multiple versions of a rule and schedule when each version of that rule takes effect. You can modify a version of a rule without affecting the other versions of that rule. You can use different values of these rule setup attributes to configure different versions of a rule:

  • Document references
  • Receiver accounting book, location type and locations
  • Split mapping and attribute
  • Rule mapping/rule script
  • Output settings

The values for these are the same for all versions of a rule:

  • Sender and Receiver Entity
  • Input and Output Document
  • Output Verb and Action

When an output generation rule is defined, a version number of 1 is automatically assigned to the rule record. The succeeding versions of the same rule require values for these fields:

  • Input Document Date - a date field from the input business document. The value in this field is compared against the Effectivity Date. This field is defined for each rule and applies to all versions.
  • Effectivity Date - the earliest date of an input business document date field for which the specific rule version will apply. This field is defined for each rule version.

Optionally, you can define the date information of the first version of a rule.

The applicable rule version is identified based on the value of the Input Document Date field. If the date value is equal to, or later than the Effectivity Date of a rule version, then that version is used to process the input business document.

For example, an Input Document Date of a rule is defined with these values:

  • Mapping - JeHead
  • Attribute - docDate

At the same time, two versions of that rule were created with these effectivity dates:

  • Version 1 - June 1, 2022
  • Version 2 - January 1, 2023

If a journal entry transaction has a value of 2022-11-01 in the DocumentDateTime field, then the input document is processed using the first version of the rule.

In cases where several applicable versions qualify for an input business document, the rule version with the closest effectivity date applies.