Search templates

Before you set up your search templates, you must have determined the information from a master data (BODs or custom master data) that you need for journal entry creation.

For example, accounting period and year are directly captured from the FinancialCalendar business document. You need to create search templates of the said business document for specifically assigning a value to the accounting period and year attributes of a journal entry. Another example is that of a master data value used as a parameter in combination with other data from source transactions to determine a particular value. Costing method is an element of the ItemMaster and is used as one of the parameters for determining the account number. You need to create search template of the ItemMaster to capture the costing method.

A search template allows you to capture data in a standard format. It must be associated to a transaction and combined with other data from source transactions to create journal entries. It is reusable as one search template can be associated to various transactions. This setup is done thru expressions.

Based on the analysis of information above, these search templates must be defined:

Accounting period and year

Based on the structure of the FinancialCalendar, an accounting period and year is identified with a date range. The transaction date must fall within a date range to decide the correct accounting period and year.

Master Data BOD Search template name Search result Search parameters Filters
Line Accounting Period FinancialCalendar getAccPeriod periodId p_effDate p_EffDate >=

periodStart AND p_

EffDate <= periodEnd

Line Accounting Year FinancialCalendar getAccYear acctYear p_effDate p_EffDate >=

periodStart AND p_

EffDate <= periodEnd

Accounting chart reference

Prior to defining the account numbers to be used in a journal entry, you must identify the accounting chart that holds the record for these accounts.

Master Data BOD Search template name Search result Search parameters Filters
Accounting Chart Reference ID ChartofAccounts getAcctChartRefId actgChartId p_accEnt

p_accEnt ==


AccountingChart ChartofAccounts getAcctChartName actgChartName p_accEnt

p_accEnt ==


Account number and journal type

The logic for assignment of account numbers is held in a custom master data, the search template parameters are based on the attributes shown in this table:

Attribute Attribute Name
Accounting Entity accEnt
Transaction Type tranType
Transaction Set tranSet
Tracking Method trackMethod
PO Item Type itemType
DrCr Flag drCr
Costing Method costMethod
Account Number account
Master Data BOD Search template name Search result Search parameters Filters
Account Number Custom Master Data <name> getLedgerAcct account p_accEnt








p_accEnt == accEnt

p_tranType == tranType

p_tranSet == tranSet

p_trackMethod == trackMethod

p_itemType == itemType

p_costMethod ==costMethod

p_drCr == drCr

p_bod == bod

Journal Type Custom Master Data <name> getJournalType JournalType p_accEnt








p_accEnt == accEnt

p_tranType == tranType

p_tranSet == tranSet

p_trackMethod == trackMethod

p_itemType == itemType

p_costMethod ==costMethod

p_effDate >= effDate

p_bod == bod

Currency conversion

In order to identify if there is a need for converting transaction amounts, the item’s functional currency is first obtained and verified whether this differs from input transaction’s currency.

Master Data BOD Search template name Search result Search parameters Filters
Item Cost Currency ItemMaster getCostCurrency itemCurr p_itemId p_itemId ==itemId

Dimension Codes

The dimension code item class will be extracted from ItemMaster. For this use case, you need to configure search template to get the value for item class.

Master Data BOD Search template name Search result Search parameters Filters
Dimension Code - Item Class ItemMaster getItemClass itemClass p_itemId


p_itemId ==itemId

p_classListId = = classListId

System-defined search template – getDimensionCodeList and getDimensionCodeListbyTransType

In IGFC, pre-created search templates have been provided especially for the dimension code assignment page for retrieving dimensions of specific accounts. Search Template getDimensionCodeList is defined as:

Search result:
  • Dimension Type
  • Dimension Sequence
  • Dimension Code
Search parameters:
  • Accounting Chart
  • Entity
  • Ledger Account Number
A variant of getDimensionCodeList is the search template getDimensionCodeListbyTransType with additional search parameters:
  • xsdName
  • Transaction Type

Tracking method and costing method

Tracking method and costing method are information from master data to get the value of ledger account. They are also used as a condition in the rules to distinguish the usage of a particular journal line.

Master Data BOD Search template name Search result Search parameters Filters
Tracking Method ItemMaster getTrackingMethod trackMethod p_itemId p_itemId ==itemId
Costing Method ItemMaster getCostingMethod costMethod p_itemId p_itemId ==itemId