Creating journal entry templates
Note: These procedures apply to accounting framework integration only.
- Select BPA Designer > Journal Entry Templates.
- In the Transaction field, select the transactional business document in which to configure a journal entry template.
- Click Add.
- Specify this information:
- Header/Line
- Select Header Fields or Line Fields.
- Name
- This list is dynamic. It shows the descriptions of the attributes relevant to the selected component of the SourceSystemJournalEntry business document.
- Type
- Select the value type. These are the possible values:
- Attribute
- Expression
- Fixed Value
- Rule Setup
Specify the information for the remaining fields. The displayed
fields depend on the selected operand type.
For Attribute value type:
- Mapping
- Select the desired BOD registration. This list is dynamic. It displays the BOD registrations associated to the selected transaction.
- Attribute
- Select the desired attribute. This list is dynamic. It displays the attributes associated to the selected BOD registration.
For Expression value type:- Name
- Select the desired expression. This list is dynamic. It shows the expressions associated to the selected transaction business document. Only expressions of type search template returning a single result and text and date is displayed. Expressions of type formula and REST API will not be displayed.
For Fixed Value value type:- Value
- Specify a number, text, or date value.
For Rule Setup value type:- Value
- Select Sender Entity, Receiver Entity,
Receiver Location, or ReceiverAccounting Book.
Sender Entity represents the source entity value specified in the rule setup page. Receiver Entity represents the destination entity value specified in the rule setup page. Receiver Location represents the location value specified in the rule setup page. Receiver Accounting Book represents the value of the destination accounting book specified in the rule.
Click Save.
The new journal entry attribute setup is displayed.