Defining output generation rules

Before you start, for accounting framework integration, you must create the BOD registration for location business document. The integrating enterprise applications of the receiver entity must have sent its location business documents to IGFC.

See Registering business object documents (BODs).

  1. Select Business Rule > Rules.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the scenario to associate with the rule.
    Specify a unique name that identifies the scenario. Valid characters are a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. The first character should be an upper case letter.
    Specify a description of the scenario.
    This field is available only for accounting framework integration. Select the business document for which to create accounting entries. For this guide, this data is referred to as the originating document. This dynamic list displays the registered transactional BODs.
    Input Document
    This field is available only for flexible output integration. Select the business document for which to create output business documents. This dynamic list displays the registered master data and transactional BODs.
    Document Attribute
    Optionally, select an attribute of the originating document which indicates the ID of the referenced document. This is used to associate with the Reference Attribute. The dynamic list displays the attributes flagged as "Document Reference" associated to the selected Document or Input Document.
    Reference Document
    Select the document that is referenced by the originating document. This contains the information needed to create accounting entries. This list is dynamic. For accounting framework integration, it displays registered transactional BODs. For flexible output integration, registered master data and transactional BODs are shown.
    Reference Attribute
    Select the ID attribute of the reference document defined above. This dynamic list displays attributes flagged as "Document Reference" associated to the selected Reference Document.
    Sender Entity
    Select the entity for which this rule applies. This list is dynamic. For accounting framework integration, it displays sender entities registered with an accounting entity. For flexible output integration, the entities displayed depend on the selected Input Document. If the input is a transactional BOD, sender entities registered with an accounting entity are shown. If the input is a master data BOD, all sender entities are shown.

    See Registering entities and Mapping entities.

    Output Document
    This field is available only for flexible output integration. Select the business document to be generated. This list is dynamic. It displays the registered master data and transactional BODs.
    Output Verb
    This field is available only for flexible output integration. Select the verb of the business document to be generated. Possible values are Sync or Process.
    Output Action
    This field is available only for flexible output integration. Select the action code associated to the verb of the business document to be generated. This list is dynamic. For verb of type Sync, possible values are Add or Replace. For verb of type Process, possible values are Add or Change.
    Receiver Entity
    Select the entity that will receive the output business documents. This list is dynamic. For accounting framework integration, it displays receiver entities registered with an accounting entity. For flexible output integration, the entities displayed depend on the selected Output Document. If the output is a transactional BOD, receiver entities registered with an accounting entity are shown. If the output is a master data BOD, all receiver entities are shown.

    See Registering entities and Mapping entities.

    Receiver Accounting Book
    This field is available only for accounting framework integration. Optionally, select the accounting book to where the journal will be posted. This list is dynamic. If there are accounting books associated to the accounting entity of the selected Receiver Entity, the accounting books are displayed in the list. Also, if there are accounting books with the same logical ID as that of the selected Receiver Entity, the accounting books are shown with an asterisk prefix.
    Receiver Location Type
    This field is available only for accounting framework integration. Optionally, select the desired location type. This list is dynamic. If there are location types associated to the accounting entity of the selected Receiver Entity, the location types are displayed in the list. Also, if there are location types with the same logical ID as that of the selected Receiver Entity, the location types are shown with an asterisk prefix.
    Receiver Location
    This field is available only for accounting framework integration. Optionally, select the desired location that will be indicated in the output SourceSystemJournalEntry business document. This list is dynamic. If there are locations associated to the accounting entity of the selected Receiver Entity, the locations are displayed in the list. Also, if there are locations with the same logical ID as that of the selected Receiver Entity, the locations are shown with an asterisk prefix.

    For IGFC CE, the tenant value is also used to associate accounting books, location types, and locations to the selected Receiver Entity.

    Split Mapping
    Optionally, select the desired BOD registration where a splitting attribute field is mapped. This list is dynamic. It displays BOD registration of the selected output document.
    Split Attribute
    Select the desired attribute that will be used as a basis for splitting the output business document. This list is dynamic. It displays the attributes associated to the selected BOD registration.
  4. Click Save.
    The new rule is displayed.
    Note: Changes to the rule setup take effect immediately. There is no need to activate the rule.