Registering BODs and their attributes
Register these transactional and master data business documents that need to be
- The relevant transactional business documents
- Master data business documents referenced by transactions
- Accounting master data business documents
A master data business document is registered once, while a transactional business document can be registered more than once if it contains several components.
See BOD registration to view a sample of a BOD registration with several components.
The attributes of each of these business document must also be registered. The attributes to
be registered are those that will be used in different configurations and rules.
Note: BOD names and attribute names are limited to a certain number of characters.
Using abbreviations is highly recommended. Assign an attribute name that accurately
represents the object.
For example, the attribute /ChartOfAccounts/DefaultContraAccountReference/GLNominalAccount can be registered with an attribute name of contraAcct instead of defContAcct.
These are the attributes that will be used in our example:
Xpath | Parent | Attribute name | Description |
/AccountingChart/IDs/ID | AcctChart | acctChartId | Accounting Chart ID |
Xpath | Parent | Attribute name | Description |
/AccountingChart/IDs/ID@accountingEntity | ChartofAcc | accEnt | Chart Accounting Entity |
ChartOfAccounts/AccountingChartReference/ID | ChartofAcc | acctChartId | Accounting Chart Reference ID |
/ChartOfAccounts/AccountingChartReference/Name | ChartofAcc | actgChartName | Accounting Chart Reference Name |
Xpath | Parent | Attribute name | Description |
/FinancialCalendar/FinancialCalendarID/ID/@accountingEntityD | FinCal | accEnt | Company |
/FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/PeriodID | FinCal | periodId | Accounting Period |
/FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Year | FinCal | acctYear | Accounting Year |
/FinancialCalendar/Status/EffectiveDateTime | FinCal | Effective Date | |
/FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime | FinCal | Period start date | |
/FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime | FinCal | Period end date |
Xpath | Parent | Attribute name | Description |
/ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemID/ID | ItemMaster | itemId | Item ID |
/ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemID/ID/@accountingEntity | ItemMaster | accEnt | Company |
/ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Classification/Codes/Code/@listID | ItemMaster | classListId | Item Classification ID |
/ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Classification/Codes/Code | ItemMaster | itemClass | Item Classification Code |
/ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/TrackingIndicator | ItemMaster | trackMethod | Tracking Indicator |
/ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemValue/CostingMethodCode | ItemMaster | costMethod | CostingMethod Code |
/ItemMaster/ItemLocation/ItemValue/UnitValue/Amount/@currencyID | ItemMaster | itemCurr | Item Cost Currency |
Xpath | Parent | Attribute name | Description |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentID/ID/@accountingEntity | PoHdr | accEnt | Document Accounting Entity |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader | PoHdr | poHdr | Document Header |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentDateTime | PoHdr | docDate | Document Date |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Status/Code | PoHdr | statCd | Status Code |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentID/ID | PoHdr | poNum | Document Number |
Xpath | Parent | Attribute name | Description |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact | poHdrBuy | poHdrBuy | Buyer Contact |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/ID | PoHdrBuy | poHdrBuyId | Buyer Contact |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs | poHdrSup | poHdrSup | Supplier Party |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine | poLine | poLine | Purchase Order Line |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ExtendedAmount | PoLine | extAmt | Transaction Amount |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ExtendedAmount/@currencyID | PoLine | extCur | Transaction Currency |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/LineNumber | PoLine | poLineNum | Purchase Order Line Number |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/UnitPrice/Amount | PoLine | unitPriceAmt | Unit Price |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/UnitPrice/Amount/@currencyID | PoLine | unitPriceCur | Unit Price Currency |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Quantity | PoLine | qty | Quantity |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue {'@name'== 'eam.ExchangeRate'} | PoLine | userArexchRate | Exchange Rate |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/== 'eam.POLineType'} | PoLine | userArType | Item Type |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/ItemID | PoItem | poItem | Purchase Order Item |
/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/ItemID/ID | PoItem | itemID | Item ID |
Xpath | Parent | Attribute name | Description |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentID/ID/@accountingEntity | RdHdr | rdHdr | Document Header |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader | RdHdr | docDate | Document Date |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentDateTime | RdHdr | docNum | Document Number |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation | RdWhsLoc | rdWhsLoc | Warehouse Location |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ShipFromParty/PartyIDs | RdShipFr | rdShipFr | Ship from Party ID |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem | RdItem | rdItem | Receive Delivery Item |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ItemID/ID | RdItem | itemID | Item ID |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/Document ID/ID | RdItem | poRefID | PO Reference ID |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber | RdItem | rdPoLine | Purchase Order Reference Line Number |
/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ReceivedQuantity | RdItem | receivedQty | Item Received Quantity |
Xpath | Parent | Attribute name | Description |
/SourceSystemJournalEntry/JournalEntryLine/UserArea/ Property/NameValue{'@name' =='gfc.eamTrackingMethod'} | JeLine | jufTrackMtd | Tracking Method |
/SourceSystemJournalEntry/JournalEntryLine/UserArea/ Property/NameValue{'@name' =='gfc.eamItemType''} | JeLine | jufItemTyp | Item Type |
/SourceSystemJournalEntry/JournalEntryLine/UserArea/ Property/NameValue{'@name' =='gfc.eamCostingMethod'} | JeLine | jufCostMtd | Costing Method |
These tables also define the document references. They identify the related transactional business document that is used as source of information to create journal entries.
In the example, to generate the journal entries of a PO receipt transaction requires data
from the PurchaseOrder business document. You have to define as a document reference the
PurchaseOrderReference attribute of the ReceiveDelivery business document –
Note: After registering the master data BODs and their attributes, you can
publish the master data business documents to IGFC.