Production scheduling
Schedule the production to consolidate demand for a finished good. Select a production date based on when the goods are required or on the production start date. The production start date is defined for each finished good in Inventory Control.
You can perform these processes when you schedule production:
- Gather finished good demand for a single finished good item
- Determine the best production dates
- Create work orders
The methods for scheduling production are online and batch.
Using the online method of scheduling production, you manually build a schedule. When you build a schedule, you can group demands for the same finished good on one work order or create a separate work order for each demand.
Note: During inventory location setup,
select the status for work orders that are scheduled for production.
You can perform these actions using the batch method:
- Bypass the schedule and create multiple work orders based on demand or forecast and the selected parameters
- Run the report based on when the goods are required or by the latest production start date
- Group the demands for the same finished good on one work order or create a separate work order for each demand
Production can be rescheduled if work orders are deleted.