Use Production Management to manage, plan and track assembly and production processes to fulfill demand for finished goods.
- This application is integrated with Inventory Control so that required components are designated for the production process.
- This application interacts with Warehouse to process document demand.
- Customer orders and internal requisitions are created in Item and Order Billing and Requisitions.
This list shows the major features and benefits of this application:
- Define the bill of materials for the finished goods
- Determine how to calculate and track burden costs
- Track inventory component and packaging usage
- Schedule demand to create work orders
- Explode a bill of material to show total components and costs
- Allocate the components required to produce goods
- Substitute components on work orders
- Perform picking feedback to update inventory
- Use off-site locations and components
- Track byproducts and expense component waste
- Track components, finished goods, and byproducts by bin, lot, sublot, serial number, and multiple units of measure