Creating Infor HR Talent Employees for Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management

Financials & Supply Management actors must have an Employee record in Global Human Resources. This is true even for customers who do not use Global Human Resources.

This topic describes how to add an Employee record for a Financials & Supply Management Actor. You can use this method to add an Employee record to Financials & Supply Management, for example, if you do not yet have Global Human Resources user provisioning configured or if you have chosen not to use the Hire action.

  1. Verify that the Actor Context for your HROrganization is set to the appropriate value for the Employee to be created and that Actor Context is set on both GHR and FSM product lines. The value must be checked for both product lines.
  2. Access Global Human Resources Employee Self Service from as a user with the Admin_ST role.
  3. Select the Administrator role drop-down menu.
  4. Access the Resources menu and on the resource page, click Create.
  5. On the At a Glance tab, specify this information:
    Note: These instructions refer to specific required fields that must be populated for the Employee record. The fields listed here are typically required but, depending on configuration, your site might require additional fields. You cannot save a record if all required fields are not populated.
    • Employee ID: An ID that does not yet exist
    • Relationship To Organization: EMPLOYEE
    • Relationship Status: ACTIVE
    • Given (First): Employee's first name
    • Family (Last): Employee's last name
  6. Move to the Dates & Service tab and for Start Date, specify a valid start date.
  7. Click Save.
  8. When prompted for an Effective Date, specify a date and click OK.
  9. Move to the Personal Information tab.
  10. In the first section for Contact Information, click Add Email.
  11. Specify these fields in the window:
    • Effective Date: Valid Date
    • Email Address: Employee's valid email address
    • Preferred Email: Select to indicate that this is the preferred email address.
    • Change this to be a work email: Optional. Select to indicate that this is a work email address.
  12. Click OK.