Delivered role naming conventions
Delivered roles and security classes have names that are intended to make their purpose understandable. Typically, they are names of jobs that are performed by accounting department personnel. For example, AccountingController_ST is a role that is assigned to a person who is responsible for all aspects of financial accounting. This role requires significant access to the system. Depending on your company requirements, your version of this role might be assigned to only a few individuals. Another role, for example, BillingClerk_ST, contains basic access that is required for any finance worker. Your version of this role might be assigned to all.
Delivered roles cannot be changed. A delivered role has _ST, for System Template, appended to its name, for example, AccountingController_ST. When you are ready to create custom roles, typically you begin by copying and renaming a delivered role and then editing the role. For example, AccountingController_ST might become AccountingController_AcmeCo.