Linking a single actor to an actor context template for FSM

Use this procedure to assign a template to an individual actor. A template must exist before you perform this procedure.

  1. Navigate to the Administration Console.
  2. Select Security > Actor Context Template.
  3. On the Actor Context Detail List, move to the toolbar and select the Create Actor Context from Template action.
  4. Specify this information:
    Actor Context Template
    Select a template.
    Locate and select the actor for whom to a template. Do not select the All Actors field.
    How to Process If Actor Context Already Exists
    If you are adding a new actor, this option is irrelevant. Ensure that the default value of Skip is selected.

    If you are updating an existing actor who may already have a value for at least one of the actor contexts, select Replace to update the existing value or Skip to retain the existing value

  5. Click Submit.