Other error messages
This section shows some technical error messages that might occur with BIFSM reports and how to handle them.
- Error 400 Bad Request - Invalid URL: This
message can indicate that the data contained in a BI drillback is too large to
display in IIS.
Solving this problem might require an update to a Registry key to extend the length. Contact your CloudOps support team to determine if you must change the UrlSegmentValueMaxLength to the recommended value to 520 following instructions from Microsoft.
- INFORBCLM01, SID=S-1-5-19: A message similar to this can indicate an error related to an OS identity. This error message, which requires running the secadm command line utility to correct, can only be handled by your Cloud Ops support team.
- Exception ID: 015e55c2-2ce6-0000-000...: If a user receives a message relating to a Landmark Runtime Exception when running a BIFSM report, contact your CloudOps support team. This issue might be able to be corrected with a software patch.