Company ID format
Registered companies require a unique legal identification number that is typically separate from the VAT registration number and, in some instances, per company address.
United Kingdom specifics
A company registration number is a unique number that is issued by Companies House when a limited company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is incorporated. It is usually abbreviated as CRN and is sometimes referred to as a Companies House Number.
The CRN consists of 8 numbers, or 2 letters followed by 6 numbers. It is displayed on a company's certificate of incorporation and any statutory company mail that is sent from Companies House. It is also displayed on the public register.
The CRN is computer generated on a sequential basis depending on the country of incorporation and the type of company:
- Companies formed in England and Wales have 10-digit CRNs
- Scottish companies are given CRNs with the prefix SC
- Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are issued with CRNs beginning with OC
- Scottish LLPs have CRNs beginning with SO
The CRN is separate from a company's VAT ID.