Creating punchout vendors

Before you can punchout to a vendor, you must set up a punchout vendor record.

  1. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > Punchout Vendors.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify Vendor Group and Vendor.
  4. Specify a Punchout Vendor Name.
  5. The Punchout Vendor ID is system assigned. If it is deleted, the ID is not reused. There can be multiple Punchout Vendor IDs for each group and vendor combination.
  6. Optionally, specify a Purchase From Location.
  7. In the From Organization section, specify this information:
    DUNS Number
    Specify the DUNS number for the organization from which you will punch out.
    Network ID
    Specify the network ID for the organization from which you will punch out.
  8. In the To Organization section, specify this information:
    DUNS Number
    Specify the DUNS number for the organization to which you will punch out.
    Network ID
    Specify the DUNS number for the organization to which you will punch out.
  9. In the Sender Information section, specify this information:
    DUNS Number
    Specify the DUNS number for the sender.
    Network ID
    Specify the network ID for the sender.
    Shared Secret
    Specify the password for the organization to which you will punch out.
  10. In the Website Setup section, specify the URL for the supplier to which you will punch out.
  11. In the Deployment Information section, specify this information:
    Select this check box to enable the punchin feature. Add the PunchInVendor extrinsic value to the PunchOutRequest document. This is disabled by default. It should only be enabled if the vendor is maintaining item master data in their catalog.

    <Extrinsic name="PunchInVendor">true</Extrinsic>

    Enhanced Punchout Setup Request
    Select this check box to add three extrinsic elements to the PunchOutRequest document. This is disabled by default. It should only be enabled if the receiving party can use these extrinsic elements. The elements that are added are Requesting Location, Requisition Number, and Requester ID.

    <Extrinsic name="requester">_requesterID_</Extrinsic>

    <Extrinsic name="requestingLocation">_requestingLocation_</Extrinsic>

    <Extrinsic name="requisitionNumber">_requisitionNumber_</Extrinsic>

  12. Click Save.