Kit items
There are two types of kits: Make to order and make to stock.
- A make-to-order kit is assembled with kit components after it is ordered or requisitioned. Component items are stocked separately.
- A make-to-stock kit is produced and is meant to be stored as a kit item. Finished goods are used in Production Management and Item and Order Billing.
Make to Order kit items are assembled after an order is placed for the kit in Item and Order Billing Components are stocked separately.
Select Make to Stock kit items, also called finished goods, when you want to change a make to order kit to a make to stock kit. Make to stock kits are then maintained in Finished Goods.
Make codes determine the type of kit that is created. You can change a make-to-order kit to a finished good by changing its make code. You cannot change make-to-order kits to finished goods when the kit item has instructions or options.