
A requester is an employee, department, function, or location responsible for initiating requests or demands for materials, supplies, or inventory items.

You must set up at least one requester. Depending on security requirements, requesters can be individuals or inventory locations. Each requester has a default company. The requester is the originator of a requisition.

Requester Description
Individual A requester can have more than one requester ID. Using the ID, the requester can perform various functions with different security levels at different locations.
Inventory location Items can be requested for an inventory location using these reports:
  • Distribution Requirements Report
  • Location Replenishment Report
  • Replenishment by Requisition POs

    For information about inventory locations set up as requesters, see the Inventory Control User Guide.

The requester name is the form identification followed by the Inventory Control location name. You must set up specific requesters named after each report so the requisition source is traceable. For example, a requester named DR100WHNORTH can be set up for the Distribution Requirements Report and for an Inventory Control location of WHNORTH.

You can control the purchasing classes that a requester can request. You can define a purchasing class in Purchasing Class to assign items in the Item Master file. You can also assign purchasing classes to a requester in Requesters on the Purchasing Classes tab. If you do not assign a purchasing class to a requester, the requester can request only items in the assigned major and minor purchasing classes.