Adding cardholders

Use this procedure to add a cardholder and information that is specific to the Procurement Card.
  1. Select Supply Management > Purchasing Processing > Manage Procurement Cards > Procurement Card Processing.
  2. On the New Procurement Card Requests tab, click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Procurement Group
    Select a procurement group.
    The administrator can control which user ID is attached to this request by selecting a program.
  4. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Card User ID
    Specify the employee information of the cardholder.
    Select the employee number.
    Specify the name of the person who is assigned to the procurement card.
    Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension
    Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension of the cardholder.
    Provide the informational text from the person who is requesting the card.
  5. In the Proxy section, specify this information:
    Proxy User ID
    Specify the information of the proxy that is assigned to this card.
    Specify the name of the procurement card proxy.
    Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension
    Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension of the proxy.
  6. In the Options section, specify this information:
    Card Type
    Select whether card is for an individual or a group.
    Tax Option
    Select whether the procurement card is Taxable or Exempt.
    Merchant Group
    Select the merchant group.
    Select a merchant group type.
    Single Transaction Limit
    Optionally, specify a limit for single transactions.
  7. Click Save.
    The Companies tab is now available.