Creating procurement card programs
- Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Purchasing > Procurement Card Setup.
- On the Procurement Card Programs And Companies, click Create.
Specify this information:
- Procurement Group
- Specify the procurement group.
- Program Name
- Specify the name of the bank procurement card program.
- Description
- Provide a description of the card program.
- Effective Date
- Select the date that the card program becomes effective.
On the Main tab, specify this information:
- Administrator Name
- Assign an administrator for the procurement card program. Administrators manage card requests, set up and activate cards, and close or reject charges.
- Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension
- Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension.
- Email Address
- Specify the email address.
- Pay to Vendor
- Select the Payables vendor that represents the bank to pay. All invoices that are created to pay procurement card charges are created for this vendor. The vendor must be a member of the procurement group's vendor group.
- Automatic Charge Close
Select whether to automatically close bank charges when they are approved using Procurement Card Statement Transaction or Procurement Card Charges . Otherwise, charges must be manually closed. The options are:
The user must manually close all charges.
- PO
Charges Only
Charges that are imported with purchase order numbers are automatically closed.
Ad hoc Charges
Charges that are imported without purchase order numbers are automatically closed.
Charges are automatically closed.
- Automatic Charge Approval
- Select whether to automatically approve bank changes that are
successfully invoiced using Procurement
Card Statement Transaction . Otherwise, charges are
approved manually in Procurement Card
Charges. These options available are:
- No
The user must manually approve all charges.
- PO Charges
Charges that are imported with purchase order numbers are automatically approved.
Ad hoc Charges
Charges that are imported without purchase order numbers are automatically approved.
Charges are automatically approved.
- No
- Require Reason on Disputes
- Select this check box if a reason code is required on disputed bank charges. You can dispute charges using Procurement Card Charges.
- Mask Procurement Card Number Display
- Select this check box to mask all but the last four digits of the card number on reports and display-only fields. Masking is used for security purposes.
- Mask Procurement Card Number Entry
- Select this check box to mask all but the last four digits of the card number during entry.
- Automatically Add Merchant
- Select this check box to add merchant names when charges are imported from the merchant. See Procurement Card Charge Import. Clear this check box to manually add merchants. Merchants are set up using Merchants.
- Automatically Add Procurement Card User
- Select this check box to establish procurement card user IDs at the time of request approval or activation. Clear this check box if Card Users IDs are established in Procurement Card Users only.
Click Save.
The Companies tab is now available.