
There are three feedback options: picking, packing, and shipping.

Physically performing any of these steps in the warehouse does not mean that you are required to perform them.

Feedback is a method of telling the application the results of physical processes performed in the warehouse. Shipping feedback is required. Depending on the process types you set up, you may also be required to complete picking feedback, packing feedback, or both.

  • Picking Feedback

    Picking is a process of removing inventory from stocking locations and moving it to a packing area. Picking feedback is where you define the actual quantities you picked from inventory.

  • Packing Feedback

    Packing is a process of physically packing the inventory that was ordered by a customer. In packing feedback, you indicate what you packed for shipment to the customer or requester.

  • Shipping Feedback

    Shipping feedback indicates what you shipped to the customer or requester. Shipping feedback is the only required feedback step. Picking and packing feedback are optional. You can perform shipping feedback only on shipments with allocated inventory that printed on a picklist. Depending on the process type, you also perform picking feedback, packing feedback, or both prior to performing shipping feedback.