Patient charges
Patient charge information contains of patient demographic information and information about items or services that are used for the patient.
You can collect patient charges using the handheld terminal, then upload the charges to the host where you can track lost charges.
These are the tasks included in Processing patient charges:
- Loading a patient demographic information interface file from an Admission, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) system into the system (if you interface with an ADT).
- Tracking chargeable and non-chargeable supply usage manually or with the handheld terminal to collect charges from piggyback labels affixed to cards containing patient information.
- Tracking chargeable and non-chargeable supply usage manually to collect charges from piggyback labels affixed to cards containing patient information.
- Manually adding the supply usage information or uploading the data from the handheld terminal.
- Manually adding the supply usage information into the system.
- Updating the Patient Charge Item table to match chargeable items with the charge prices.
- Reporting, and optionally tracking, patient charges.
- Extracting patient charges (if you interface with a patient billing system) to create a file for manual or electronic interface.
- Purging patient charges and patient information.