Setting up cart or par locations
You must set up each par
location or exchange cart before you can process inventory.
- Select Inventory Locations.
- Click Create.
- Complete the fields.
- Click Save.
- The Par Items tab is displayed.
On the Par Items tab click Create and specify this information
- Item
- Select the item belonging to the par location.
- Shelf Location
- Specify the shelf location for the item.
- Par Level
- Specify the par level for this location. This level acts as the reorder point.
- Unit Of Measure
- The default transaction unit of measure for this item at this location.
- Inventory Location Account Group
- Select an inventory location account group.
- Patient Chargeable
- Select whether this item at this location is chargeable to the patient.
- Active
- Select this check box if this is an active location.
- Minimum Order Quantity
- Specify the minimum reorder quantity that can be used to limit when a replenishment requisition line is created for a par location.
- Leadtime Days
- Specify the number of leadtime in days.
- Suggested Par Level
- Specify the suggested par level.
- Standard Cost
- Specify the standard cost for the item at this par location.
- Manufacturer Code And Division
- Select a manufacturer code and division.
- Manufacturer Number
- Specify the manufacturer number.
- Vendor
- Optional. Select a primary vendor for replenishment.
- Purchase From Location
- Optional. Select a primary vendor's purchase from location.
- Replenish From
- Optionally, select these fields to replenish from a different From company, From location or bin.
Optionally, click the Actions button to add, change, or delete items
from this par location.
If you have Process Automation, then a service is available to add, change, and delete a par location. See the Process Automation Services Reference Guide.