Setting up cart or par locations

You must set up each par location or exchange cart before you can process inventory.
  1. Select Inventory Locations.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Complete the fields.
  4. Click Save.
  5. The Par Items tab is displayed.
  6. On the Par Items tab click Create and specify this information
    Select the item belonging to the par location.
    Shelf Location
    Specify the shelf location for the item.
    Par Level
    Specify the par level for this location. This level acts as the reorder point.
    Unit Of Measure
    The default transaction unit of measure for this item at this location.
    Inventory Location Account Group
    Select an inventory location account group.
    Patient Chargeable
    Select whether this item at this location is chargeable to the patient.
    Select this check box if this is an active location.
    Minimum Order Quantity
    Specify the minimum reorder quantity that can be used to limit when a replenishment requisition line is created for a par location.
    Leadtime Days
    Specify the number of leadtime in days.
    Suggested Par Level
    Specify the suggested par level.
    Standard Cost
    Specify the standard cost for the item at this par location.
    Manufacturer Code And Division
    Select a manufacturer code and division.
    Manufacturer Number
    Specify the manufacturer number.
    Optional. Select a primary vendor for replenishment.
    Purchase From Location
    Optional. Select a primary vendor's purchase from location.
    Replenish From
    Optionally, select these fields to replenish from a different From company, From location or bin.
  7. Optionally, click the Actions button to add, change, or delete items from this par location.

    If you have Process Automation, then a service is available to add, change, and delete a par location. See the Process Automation Services Reference Guide.