Creating questions

  1. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Shared Setup > Questions.
  2. On the All Questions tab or the Interview Questions tab, click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Procurement Group
    Select a procurement group.
    Question Text
    Specify the question text.
    Response Type
    Select a response type. This field determines the type of question and the answer that you are expecting. For example, select Text when the reader must respond by typing text. Select Number when the reader must respond with a numeric value, etc. Each response type requires different information for set up.
    Select a category for the question. See Creating categories.
    Sub Category
    Select a sub category for the question. See Creating sub categories.
    Allow Attachment Upload With Answer
    Select this check box if an attachment is allowed with the response.
    Response Rules
    Select whether response rules are required for this question.
    Use this field to upload and attachment with an answer.
    This Question Will Be Used In a Contract Interview
    Select this check box if this is a contract interview question.
    This Question Has a Correct Answer
    Select this check box if there is a correct answer to this question.
    Contract Type
    Select the contract type. See Creating contract types.
    Contract Subtype
    Select contract subtype, if applicable. See Creating contract subtypes.
    Contract Classification
    Select a contract classification.
    Contract Subclassification
    Select a contract subclassification, if applicable.
  4. Click Save.
  5. If you selected a Response Type of Yes No or Yes No Text answers, then create the possible answers to the question.
  6. If you selected a Response Type of List, then select the List Answers tab.
  7. Click Create and specify this information:
    List Value
    Specify the values that are allowed as answers to this question.
    This is the Correct Answer
    Select this check box to indicate that the answer is the correct answer for the question.
    Event Score Allocation
    Select a score that is allocated to this answer.
  8. Click Save.