Creating supplier group message configuration

  1. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups and Companies > Supplier Groups.
  2. Open a supplier group record.
  3. On the Message Configuration tab, specify this information:
    Validation Notification Email
    Specify an email address for validation notification.
    Administrator Email
    Specify the email for the administrator.
    Supplier Registration Acknowledgement
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your email.
  4. In the Supplier Validation section, specify this information:
    New Supplier Needs Validation
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your validation email.
    Updated Supplier Needs Validation
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your validation email.
  5. In the Expiring Certifications And Diversity section, specify this information:
    Specify the Email And Message Subject and Email And Message Content.
    Specify the Email And Message Subject and Email And Message Content.
  6. In the Change Primary Contact section, specify this information:
    Send Email
    Select the check box to send the notification email.
    Notify New Primary Contact
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your notification email.
    Notify Old Primary Contact
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your notification email.
  7. In the Supplier Performance Evaluation section, specify this information:
    Send Email
    Select the check box to send the evaluation email.
    Create Message
    Select the check box to create a message.
    Subject and content
    Specify the Email And Message Subject and Email And Message Content.
  8. In the Terms Negotiation section, specify this information:
    Supplier Updated
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your email.
    Supplier Approved
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your email.
  9. In the User Name And Password section, specify this information:
    Forgot User Name
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your email.
    Password Reset
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content of your email.
  10. In the Subcontractors section, specify this information:
    Send Email
    Select the check box to send the email.
    Supplier Maintenance
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content.
    Specify the Email Subject and Email Content.
  11. Click Save.