Creating activity accounts
Use this procedure to define activity accounts. Activities are added and maintained at the district level to ensure consistency across the school district. Create an asset, liability, and revenue account within each district.
- Select Activity Accounts.
- Click Create.
- Specify this information:
- Activity Level
- Select Detail or
Detail indicates that it is an activity for posting transactions. A detail activity may or may not belong to a group activity.
Group indicates that it is a parent activity, used to group similar detail activities. For example, 400-Sports may be a group activity for 401-Football and 402-Soccer detail activities.
- Activity Type
- Select an activity type:
Asset: Activity used for bank account transactions.
Liability: Activity where the school or district is the trustee, or fiduciary, for money raised by student activity programs such as the French Club. Receipts and disbursements affect the same global ledger account, typically a liability global ledger account.
Revenue: Activity that tracks revenue into one global ledger account and disbursements out of another global ledger account. Funds belong to the school or district. For example, gate receipts.
Note: If you select an activity type on a Group activity, then the activity type value is the default for its detail activities. - Activity
- Specify an activity identifier.
- Description
- Provide a description of the account.
- Parent Account
- If it is a detail activity account, you can select its parent account.
- Fee Amount
- Specify a fee amount in the detail activity that will be the default for all cash processing forms that require an activity detail amount. This value can be overridden when the transaction is entered.
- GL Account
- Select the Global Ledger account to be the default for school activities. GL account is where the activity is posted. If not posting to Global Ledger, leave this field blank.
- Click Save.