Customer Add or Credit Limit Change

This service creates a workunit when a customer credit limit is added or changed on Company Customer or Company Customer Interface. This API is used to add or change customer records using an interface from a third-party system.

Service CustomerAddCreditLimitChangeService
Service name Credit Limit added or Changed for Customer
System Accounts Receivable
Criteria ReceivablesCompany
Work Category

Credit Analyst

Data string = [credit analyst]

Prerequisites Normal accounts receivable processing, which includes a non-existent customer for adding a customer, or an existing customer for changing a credit limit.
Initiating event Adding a customer credit limit, changing a customer credit limit on Company Customer, or using the Company Customer Interface. This API is used to add or change customer records using an interface to a third-party system.
Resolution action N/A
Variables CompanyCustomer.Company




Possible process flow sequence

The Credit Analyst is notified that a company-level customer was added or a company-level credit limit was changed. Possible actions are Done, Hold, and Suspend.

Related IPA Process

The FSM_ION_CustomerAddCreditLimitChangeAlert process file is delivered with Financials & Supply Management FSM ION Connector.