Picking, packing, or shipping feedback
Picking and packing feedback are optional procedures depending on your setup for the Warehouse solution. Shipping feedback is required. You perform feedback after you have printed pick lists which creates the shipment. If you pick and pack inventory, then you are not required to perform feedback on these steps.
If your setup for Warehouse that does not require picking or packing feedback, then the shipping feedback quantities you specify become the picked and packed quantities. Feedback is performed using the online or batch method. Batch feedback is performed in full, where the allocated quantities are updated as the picked, packed, or shipped quantities.
You can run Warehouse Batch Feedback Interface to load feedback that you scanned into the Warehouse solution. You can use a bar code reader or a handheld terminal to scan picking, packing, and shipping feedback. You must create and load a flat file and print the pick list before you run Warehouse Batch Feedback Interface. The process produces an error report if the details are not provided on the Detail tab of the Warehouse Shipment page.
See the Financials and Supply Management Table Definitions.