Review shipment by details
Use this procedure to review shipments by specific details such as Company, Location, System Code and Status.
- Select Warehouse Processing > Shipments.
- Click the Search icon to open the Search bar.
- Search for Shipments by Company, Inventory Location, Warehouse Shipment, System Code, Document or Status.
- Specify this information:
- Company
- Select the company that originated the requisition.
- Inventory Location
- Select the inventory location.
- Warehouse Shipment
- Select the shipment number that is associated with the requisition. A requisition can have more than one shipment number if items were not shipped simultaneously.
- System Code
- Select Requisitions.
- Document
- Select the requisition number.
- Status
- Select the Shipment status.
This information is displayed.
- The shipment number
- The shipment status
- The system code that created the document
- The document number (from the system that created the document)
- The batch number
- Shipment lines
- Click DrillAroundâ„¢ to show more information.