Reqapproval1 and reqapproval2
The reqapproval1 process is identical to reqapproval2 except for one feature. When the reqapproval1 process is started, the Process Flow Approval Level field is used to determine the level at which the requisition started the approval process. The process flow approval level is from the Requisition header. The approval process then restarts at the appropriate level. Work that pertains to that requisition is then displayed in the inbasket of the approver at that level. The approver can reject, unrelease, or approve the requisition.
Both reqapproval1 and reqapproval2 always start at the first level of approval. If the dollar amount is less than the dollar amount at the first level, the requisition is approved with no user action required. The work unit receives the Processing Complete status. If the amount of the requisition is greater than the amount at the first level of approval, then the work unit is displayed in the Level1 approver's inbasket. The approver can reject, unrelease, or approve a requisition.
If the approver rejects the requisition, an email with this information is sent to the requester. The work unit for the requisition receives the Processing Complete status, and the process ends. The status of the requisition is updated to Rejected.
If the approver unreleases the requisition, an email with this information is sent to the requester. The work unit for the requisition receives the Processing Complete status, and the process ends. The status of the requisition is updated to Unreleased.
If the approver approves the requisition, the work that pertains to that requisition is displayed in the inbasket of the approver at the next level. When the requisition is approved at the final level, the work unit receives the Processing Complete status, and the process ends. The status of the requisition is updated to Processed.