Creating requisitions from procurement templates

A procurement template is a previously defined list from which items can be selected. It can be used to create a new requisition. Use this procedure to create a requisition by copying all items from an existing procurement template.

  1. Sign in as Requester, and on the Requisitions tab, select Create Menu > Create From Template.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select the inventory control company.
    Select the requester, which is the person, department, or function that submits a requisition.
    Procurement Template
    Select the procurement template.
    Requesting Location
    Select the location from which the items are being requested. This location can be an inventory location defined in Location or a non-inventory location.

    All requesting locations must be defined in Requesting Locations. A default requesting location can be assigned to the requester in the Main tab in Requesters. You can override the default with each requisition.

    From Company
    Select the company from which the item is coming (the source company). Intercompany relationships are relationships between companies that let transactions pass between them.
    From Location
    Select the source location that is associated with the From Company. The location is either the inventory location that supplies the items or the purchase order ship-to location that receives the items.
    Requested Delivery Date
    Select the date on which the items are to be delivered. Requisitions with the oldest requested delivery date having backorders are allocated before later dated requisitions.
  3. Select the Lines tab on the created requisition and update the line item information as necessary.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Specify the Requisition Lines information. Click Helper List to select items from the Procurement Template Lines List.
  6. Click Next.
  7. View the requisition or click Release to release it.