Close management standard application reports and lists

Close Management information for reporting is located throughout the navigation menus. In addition, you can create a report from any list.

This table contains the standard application reports and lists for Close Management. To find the reports, use the menu search. Search for the Report name unless a name is specified in the Menu name column.

Report name Description Menu name
Open Periods View information about close period processes that are currently active.

You can click the link in an active column to drill down and view a report with more information about the processes in that period. These additional reports include information for open tasks, completed tasks, tasks due today, tasks waiting for approval, tasks in jeopardy, and overdue tasks.

For example, the link in the Overdue column represents the number of overdue tasks for the close period. Click the link to drill down and view a report that displays details for all of the overdue tasks.

By Period And Process
Open Period Process Progress View sub-process information about close period processes that are currently active. For example, a financial close process might have sub-processes defined for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger. This information includes sub-processes that have been completed, sub-processes that remain open with a percentage of completion, and sub-processes that are overdue.

You can click the link in an active column to drill down into tasks for the applicable sub-process to view the task status by due date.

By Period And Process
Closed Periods View information about close period processes that have been completed.

You can click the link in an active column to drill down and view a report with more information about the processes in that period. These additional reports include information for periods that were completed late, periods that were completed early, periods that had to be reopened, tasks that were completed late, tasks that were completed early, and tasks that had to be reopened.

For example, the link in the Late sub-column of the Started column represents the number of tasks that were started late for the closed period. Click the link to drill down and view a report that displays details for all tasks that were started late.

Close Period Processes View sub-process information about close period processes that have been completed. For example, a financial close process might have sub-processes defined for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger. This information includes sub-processes that were completed early, completed late, started early, and started late.

You can click the link in an active column to drill down into tasks for the applicable sub-process.
