Settings for Project reports

Project report settings are used to create reusable templates for reporting. Use them to define parameters for retrieving project balances, including budget scenario, balance type, currency, and summary account.

Reporting settings can be setup as global or actor-specific. Global report settings are used so that reports can be viewed by any actor. Actor- specific reporting settings are used so that actors can maintain their own settings without affecting other actors. Project report settings by actor can be copied to other actors by an administrator.

The balance amounts that are displayed on these pages are retrieved from the cube:

  • Project Obligations
  • Project Variance
  • Project Percent Complete
  • Project Gross Margin

Summary project amounts are rollup balances from the cube. You can expand the project hierarchy to access and view balances by posting project. Click the amounts link to see the list of life-to-date Global Ledger total balance records that are used to formulate the balance. You can view a list of the source transactions and lead back to the originating subsystem expense entry.

Project reporting groups

This list shows examples of Project report groups:

  • Life to date reporting

    Reporting period = LTD with LTD period end date selected

  • Year to date report

    Report period = YTD with YTD period end date selected

  • Period to date report:

    Report period = PTD with period end date selected

  • Life to date work in progress report:

    Summary account = WIP asset account

This list shows other report settings that can be created:

  • By budget scenario, if you use multiple budget scenarios
  • By report currency, if you use multiple reporting currencies
  • By account type, which are expense, revenue, and asset