Mixed non-base currency application
This figure shows a non-base currency payment applied to an invoice in a different, non-base currency:
Because there is no translation rate for United States dollars (USD) to French francs (FFR) in this example, additional currency translation is required:
For the mixed non-base currency application option, the French franc (FFR) invoice is converted to show as the equivalent amount of Canadian dollars (CAD) for a non-base currency application.
Example: Mixed non-base currency application
In this example, a company with a base currency of U.S. dollars (USD) creates an invoice in French francs (FFR). Assume that a translation rate between French francs and U.S. dollars is not defined in the Currency solution. Translation rates between French francs and Canadian dollars and between Canadian dollars and U.S. dollars are defined. Using these relationships, the open amount is displayed in Canadian dollars.
Type | Currency |
Company base currency | United States Dollars (USD) |
Payment currency | Canadian Dollar (CAD) |
Invoice currency | French Francs (FFR) |
For the mixed non-base application option, the French franc (FFR)
invoice is converted to display as the equivalent amount of Canadian dollars (CAD) for a
non-base application:
The invoice amount is translated from the invoice currency to the payment currency:
Currency description | Amount/quantity |
FFR to CAD exchange rate on invoice date | 1:0.2346 (FFR:CAD) |
Invoice amount in invoice currency | 10,000 FFR |
Invoice amount in payment currency | 2,346 CAD |
A payment amount of 2,346 Canadian dollars is required to fully close the invoice.