Updating balances
This report is based on GL accounts and is used primarily at period end.
- Select Run Receivables Processes > Self Balancing Report.
- Select a Company or Company Group, but not both.
- Specify this information:
- Select Option
- Select Update Balances to view the change in transaction activity for a general ledger account since the last run in Update mode. A beginning balance for a general ledger account and activity details for receivables transactions are listed. A calculated ending balance is included.
- Select List Balances to view a list of a general ledger account's balances within that range. If you select this option, then select a date range.
- Select List Detail to view a list of transaction details of a general ledger account within a date range.
- Select Establish Balances to update
AR distribution records for the specified ending date, and
to create distribution balance records.
The ReceivableGLDistribution file is updated.
The ReceivableDistributionBalanceAccount file is created.
- Click Submit.