Reversing posted payment applications
- Sign in as Receivables Specialist or Receivables Manager.
For Receivables Specialist, select Cash Application > Review Applications > Payment Reversal.
For Receivables Manager, select Processing > Cash Application > Review Applications > Payment Reversal.
- Open a payment record.
- Click Create to establish a reversal header record.
Specify this information:
- Reversal Date
- Select a reversal date.
- Operator
- Optionally, specify a name of the operator.
- Click Submit.
- Click Reverse All to establish a payment reversal header record and to select all unposted payment applications for reversal.
Specify this information:
- Reversal Date
- Select a reversal date.
- Operator
- Optionally, specify a name of the operator.
- For payments with pending reversal, if the Reverse All button is not used, then select one or more detail lines and click Unselect Reversal or Select For Reversal detail records as needed.
- Click Release to complete the process for the set of selected reversal records for this payment.