Creating EFT payments

Use this procedure to create customer payment records in an ACH format or a non-formatted layout. The ACH format follows the Cash Concentration Disbursement (CCD) requirements.
  1. Select EFT Payment Creation.
  2. In the Main section, specify this information:
    EFT Processing Company
    Select the EFT company number.
    Post Date
    Specify the date that is assigned to the EFT payment for posting. The posting date is used as system date plus calendar marked/actual days.
    Deposit Date
    Specify the deposit date of the EFT payment. The deposit date is used as system date plus calendar marked/actual days.
    Debit Cash Code
    Select the debit cash code that is used for net withdrawal. The EFT processing company for the customer group is the default.
    Credit Cash Code
    Select the credit cash code that is used for net deposit. The EFT processing company for the customer group is the default.
    Payment Process Level
    Select the payment process level.
    Select Payment Code
    Select the invoice’s method of payment indicator.
    Select Process Level
    Select the process level to select transactions.
    Select Payment Terms
    Select the invoice's terms code that determines the default due date.
    Received Not Applied Code
    Select the received not applied code for the EFT payments. If this field is blank, then it is the default from the process level.
    Discount Reason Code
    Select the discount reason code that is used for discounting during cash application.
    Specify an operator code. An operator is required if the EFT processing company requires operator for cash entry and application in Company.
    Specify the reference number that is associated with the transaction. This number is displayed on the payment header that is created by EFT Payment Creation.
    Company ID Option
    Specify a company ID option.
    • Select IRS ID to preface your nine-digit number with a 1.
    • Select DUNS to preface your nine digit number with a 3.
    • Select User Assigned to preface your nine-digit number with a 9
    • Select Company Assigned to not add any beginning number to your 10-character code.
    Fill ACH Last Physical Block
    Select whether to fill the last block count that contains the number of physical blocks.
    Balanced ACH File
    Select whether to display detail records of the company.
    Include ACH Addenda
    Select whether to include ACH addenda.
  3. In the Optional Bank Charges section, specify this information:
    Bank Charges
    Optionally, specify bank charges that may be added to credit the net Global Ledger cash account, and debit the specified Global Ledger account.
    Global Ledger Account
    Specify the accounting information for the Global Ledger account.
  4. In the User Fields section, specify this information:
    Cash Ledger User Field
    Specify any data to pass to the Cash Ledger solution.
  5. In the File Names section, specify this information:
    ACH File Name
    Specify an ACH file name with an added date time stamp.
    BACS File Name
    Specify a BACS file name with an added date time stamp.
    Non Tape File Name
    Specify a file name for an other type of electronic file with an added date time stamp.
    SEPA File Name
    Specify a SEPA file name with an added date time stamp.
  6. In the Report Distribution section, select a distribution list and an export type for EFT Payment Creation Report.
  7. Click Submit.