Manually creating an invoice
Use this procedure to
manually create invoices, debit memos, or credit memo transactions.
- Sign in as Receivables Specialist or Receivables Manager.
For Receivables Specialist, select Invoices.
For Receivables Manager, select Processing > Invoices.
- On the Invoices menu, select the Invoice Batch tab.
- Click Create.
- Select a Company and Process Level.
- Click Save.
- On the Transactions tab, click Create.
On the Main tab, specify this information:
- Customer
- Select a customer number.
- Type
- Select which type of transaction to create. Types are Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Invoice, or Mixed Sign Lines.
- Transaction
- Specify a name for the transaction.
- Description
- Provide a description of the transaction.
- Amount
- Specify the amount of the transaction in the transaction currency.
- Alternate Type
- If the Type is Mixed Sign Lines, select an alternate transaction type: Credit memo, Debit memo, or Invoice.
- Transaction Date
- Select the date of the transaction. If this field is blank, then the batch date from Invoice Batch is the default.
- Global Ledger Date
- Select the Global Ledger posting date. If this field is blank, then the post date from the Invoice Batch is the default.
- User Sort Field
- Specify the first open item field. Use this to sequence open items in Cash Application and as a selection option on a customer aging and various reports.
- Payment Terms
- Select a terms code for the transaction. This code is used to calculate transaction due dates and discount data.
- Purchase Order
- Specify the purchase order number that is assigned to the transaction.
- Memo Reason
- Select a reason code for debit or credit memos.
- Invoice Type Code
- Select an invoice type code.
- Regime Code
- Select a regime code.
- Click Intrastat to define the origin and shipping data destinations.
In the Due Date Override section, specify this
- Due Date
- Optionally, specify a transaction due date. This date overrides the calculated Terms Code output for discount date.
- Discount Date
- Optionally, specify a transaction discount date. This date overrides the Terms Code calculated output for discount date.
- Amount
- If Discount Date is not blank, then Discount Amount or Percent must be specified. This amount overrides the Terms Code calculated discount amount.
- Percent
- If Discount Date is not blank, then Percent or Discount Amount or must be specified. This percent overrides the Terms Code calculated discount percent.
On the Expanded tab, specify this information:
- AR Code
- Select the accounts receivable code that identifies the Receivables Global Ledger account that is credited during cash application.
- Sales Representative
- Select the sales representative.
- Payment Code
- Specify a transaction code that represents a type of cash payment with attributes for receiving Payables payments or creating EFT payments.
- Bill To
- Specify the other bill to address for the customer.
- Summarize Detail
- Select this check box to show open items in summary.
- Late Payment Charge
- Select this check box to charge the customer for late payments.
- Document Type Code
- Specify the global document type.
- Dunning Letter Override
- Select how to override the dunning letter process: Process Normally, Bypass Dunning Entirely, or Do Not Send For Collection.
In the Cross Reference section, specify this
- Company
- Select the company to be referenced.
- Transaction Type
- Select whether the transaction type is Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Invoice, Other, Payment, or Bill Of Exchange.
- Transaction
- Specify the transaction to be referenced.
- Detail Due Date
- Select the detail due date.
- Auto Apply Credit Transaction
- Select this check box if an auto credit is applied to the transaction.
In the Global section, specify this information:
- Foreign Economic Regulatory Code
- Select the foreign economic regulatory code.
In the Currency Overrides section, specify this
- Currency Table
- Select a currency table. The currency table from the associated company system closing control or the Global Ledger company record is used.
- Currency Revaluation
- Select this check box if a currency revaluation is required for the non-base invoice or debit memo.
Click Save.
The Line Items, Distributions, and Comments tabs are now available.