Recalculating fringe burdens

The fringe burden that is associated with labor distribution can be recalculated without having to reverse and re-distribute the labor for each period. For example, if the federal fringe rate increased or decreased after fringe burdens were calculated, then the burden can be recalculated retroactively. After the reversal and recalculated amounts are posted, they can be used to generate indirect burdens and invoices.

  1. Select Project Processes > Labor Processes > Recalculate Fringe Burdens.
  2. Specify this information:
    Employee Group
    Select an employee group, for example, a group of employees with the same organization unit.

    See Custom groups.

    Labor Schedule
    Select the labor schedule. Only the employees with the specified labor schedule are processed.
    From Period
    Select the period from which to recalculate fringe burden and select the To Period. Only the project assignment records for the specified period range are recalculated.
    Burden Code
    Select a burden code. If this field is blank, then all burden codes are recalculated.
    Posting Project
    Select a posting project. If this field is blank, then all projects are recalculated.
    Posting Date
    Specify the posting date for the entries that are created.
  3. In the Optional Override Fringe Offset Finance Structure section, you can override the finance structure for fringe burden:
    To Accounting Entity
    Specify the accounting entity to use to override the To Accounting Entity on all GLTransactionDetail records. This value is used for journal control on the general ledger. If this field is blank, then the To Accounting Entity from the source transaction is used.
    Select the value on each dimension to use to override the offset finance structure. When fringe burdens are distributed, the offset is to the same finance structure as the originating source transaction.
  4. Click Submit.