Sending certification email

Use this procedure to send an email to employees who require effort certification but have not certified effort for an effort period. The email is sent if the Certification Required check box is selected on the posting projects that are assigned to the employee. A column on the effort certification shows Yes if certification is required on any of the assigned projects. The email is sent to the employee email address that is on the employee record. The email includes the employee name, the period, and the comment.

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant or Project Certifier.
  2. Select Project Accountant, select Project Management > Effort Certification.
    For Project Certifier, select Employees Effort Certification.
  3. Select the Certification by Period tab to view employees by period and select the period.
  4. In the left column, select Actions > Certification Email.
  5. Specify this information:
    From Email
    Specify the sender of the email. The default is the email address of the user.
    CC Email
    Specify an email address to to send a copy of the certification reminder. To send to multiple emails, separate each email address with a comma.
    Specify a subject for the email. The default value is Effort certification required.
    Specify the message for the email. You can include a deadline date to complete certification.
  6. Click Submit. The Certification Email Date column is updated. To view the dates and times of previous emails, open the audit log for the record.