Front end split versus back end split
When you use front end split, expenses are allocated when the original transaction is created.
When a project is specified on a transaction line, that line is split to reflect the funding sources that are associated with the project. The distribution functionality for front end split for expenditures in GL, RQ, PO, and AP is combined with budget edit functionality to automatically create distributions for the funding source. Using front end split ensures that expenditures on the project contract do not exceed budgets for the funding source.
When performing a front end split, the posting project and funding source dates are validated. A funding group can have multiple funding sources with different funding source dates.
All funding sources in the group are skipped if any of these issues occur:
- A date edit on the funding source fails
- A posting project is excluded
- An eligibility group is excluded
To split transactions that were not split in a subsystem, run the Generate Front End Split Distributions action on the project contract.
Front end split
The front end split occurs before project invoices are generated. The front end split distributes expenses to finance dimension 2 when transactions are created and released in the subsystems. Funding limits are edited against expenditure budgets on release. The budget edits are based on the budget scenario and budget template setup.
- If the front end split is enabled on a project contract, then expense distributions are automatically created and allocated to the funding sources in the subsystems. The distribution is created by running front end split distribution or release actions.
- Expenditures that are not posted to finance dimension 2 are updated when the Generate Front End Split Distributions action is run.
Every project contract does not have a general fund, but all front end split contracts contain a 100% funding source. When a transaction amount is less than $.48, the transaction is allocated to the first funding source with 100% funding.
This list shows examples of contracts with more than one funding source:
- A contract with three funding sources at 100% each. The funding amount is applied to the first 100% with a remaining funded amount.
- A contract has two funding sources with a Federal fund of 75% and a match fund of 100%. The amount goes to the Match funding source.
- A contract has three funding sources. A federal fund of 75%, match fund of 100%, and general fund of 100%. The amount goes to the match funding source because it is the first 100% funding source.
Back end split
Expenditures are allocated to finance dimension 2 after project invoices are generated and journalized. Funding limits are edited against funded amounts on the project contract.
- Project expenses are only posted to projects, not to funding sources. Expenses can be allocated to funding sources when Journalize Invoices action is run and Allocate Expenditures is selected on the project contract.
- Allocate expenditure entries are generated with the event code of PE.