Fringe benefit burden finance structure default and override rules
You can specify a default labor distribution fringe benefit burden code and finance structure on the project employee. Changing the labor distribution fringe benefit burden or finance structure on the project or project employee does not update existing project assignment records. There is an additional action that can be run to update existing project assignment records.
You can specify a default labor distribution fringe benefit burden code and finance structure on the project. The fringe burden indication on the project defines whether burdens are required for the project. If they are required, select where the default values come from. These are the available options:
- No: no fringe benefit burden
- Burden, default from project employee
- Burden, default from project
If there is a default burden option selected, then the default value of the code will be the employee project assignment. Subsequent project assignment labor records will use the default fringe benefit burden code when created. You can specify an override labor distribution fringe benefit burden code or finance structure on the labor distribution period project assignment.
You can change the labor distribution fringe benefit burden code or fringe burden finance structure for future records. Change the default code or finance structure and then run the update assignment fringe action. You can override the current values by selecting the Override check box on the action. You can also specify a stop date on the existing project assignment. Create a new project assignment with the new burden code and fringe burden finance structure.
The Distribution Labor action uses the project assignment record to retrieve the fringe benefit burden code and finance structure.
If no fringe benefit burden is specified on a record, no fringe benefit transaction is created. If the fringe benefit burden is specified and the fringe burden finance structure is blank, the fringe benefit is distributed. The benefit is distributed to the finance structure of the originating transaction and the project from the assignment record.
You can set up an offset account for the burden code used for fringe. The burden offset is posted to the same finance structure as the burden, with no project. If you are using account category, the offset posts to the Fringe account category with no project.
you must manually add a detail record for the blank project to the fringe account
category. The record must be added so the fringe offset is valid.