Front end split using funded amounts

Use this information to reconcile the front end split expenditures and balances for funding sources on a contract.
  1. The FES Distribution preview action is not available in the subsystems. Approvers can approve requisition amount, purchase order amount, or the invoice amount but they cannot approve the distributions. The FES distributions are automatically calculated when the record is released. The distributions are calculated based on the current priority, group, percent, funded amount, and remaining balance of the project funding source.
  2. On the funding source for the project contract, the FES commitments amount represents GLCommit records with a status of released. The amount is updated when the requisition, purchase order, and payables invoice release actions are run. The GLCommit record status is updated to released. When fund amounts are used to reconcile front end split commitments, data is gathered from several business classes: GLCommit, ProjectBurdenTransactions, and GLTransactionInterface. Transactions that occur outside of the date range of the funding source and transactions that do not meet the eligibility requirements are excluded.

    This list contains the amounts that are included:

    • Released GLCommitment records

      The balance on FES commitments is updated when the release actions are run for Requisitions, Purchase Order, AP Invoices, and Cash Ledger Transaction. Only RQ, PO, AP, and CB are included in commitment logic.

    • Created ProjectBurdenTransaction records

      The balance on FES commitments is updated when the Generate Indirect Burden action is run.

    • Unreleased GLTransactionInterface records

      The balance on FES Commitments is updated when GLTransactionInterface records are created.

  3. On the funding source for the project contract, the FES expenditures amount represents GLTransactionDetail records with a status of History. The amount is updated when the AP Invoice is journalized, the GL Manual Journal is released, or when GLTransactionDetail is interfaced. The GLTransactionDetail record status is updated to history. When fund amounts are used to reconcile front end split expenditures, data is gathered from the GLTransactionDetail business class and may include GeneralLedgerTransactions.

    This list contains the amounts that are included:

    • History GLTransactionDetail records
    • GeneralLedgerTransaction records from manual journal entries.
    This list contains the amounts that are excluded in FES expenditures:
    • GLTransactionDetail records with the system code PS and events that are BI, BIR, RE, RER, BD, LR, PJ, PL, RI, and system code AR.
    • Transactions that are outside of the date range for the funding source and transaction that do not meet the eligibility requirements.
  4. Creating a manual transaction with the FD2 and Project or overriding FES distribution is not prevented. No edit exists to prevent a user from creating expenses beyond the funded amount if the FD2 field is overridden. The FES balances are updated.
  5. The FES split logic is based on the project funding source setup and on existing invoice rules on the project contract. Transaction date is always used.

Features not included

  • Indirect burden actions on projects. This list shows the work-arounds:
    • For FES using budgets, create a separate budget for the indirect cost or burden account.
    • For FES using funded amount, exclude the indirect burden amount from the project funding source funded amount. This assumes any direct expense that pass edits can be burdened.
  • Project transfer transactions actions
  • Accounts payable credit invoices
  • Asset Management
  • GL Allocations
  • Contract Management
  • Creating GLTransactionDetail with the finance structure
  • Front end split logic is not used when Labor Distribution is run.

    The work-around is to create assignment splits with FD2 specified. Labor distribution transactions are also excluded from the Generate Front End Split Distributions action.

Including the project and the FD2 for a front end split project contract in these systems can result in exceeding the funded amount.