Removing allowances from an invoice
Allowances can be removed from an invoice if the invoice does not have an applied retainer. When an allowance is removed, and the invoice is appended, the new allowance is calculated based only on the new expense lines that are added. For a new total allowance, based on all expense transactions, delete the invoice and generate a new invoice.
To remove the allowance when a retainer exists, delete the invoice, change the allowance percent to zero, and regenerate the invoice. A portion of the allowance is retained with each line item that qualifies for the retainer. The final invoice amount may be subject to rounding differences. The invoice amount is the correct amount, but the sum of the retainer amounts on the individual line item may not match.
- Sign in as Project Accountant, Project Administrator, or Project Manager.
- Select .
- On the Contracts tab, open a contract.
- Select the Invoices tab.
- Select an invoice group and project funding line to view the associated invoice lines in the detail section.
- Right-click the allowance line and select . A green alert is displayed on the project on the allowance line.
- Click .