Project contract lists
Any list can become a report.
This table shows the lists that are available on
and :Tab | Description |
Contracts | A list of all project contracts. |
Project Funding Sources | A list of all project funding sources by project contract including invoice amounts, revenue amounts, and remaining balances. |
Front End Split Contracts | A list of all front end split contracts by project contract and funding source. The list includes funded amount, front end split commitments and expenditures, remaining funded amounts, and invoice amounts. |
A list of project contracts and funding sources. You can view the invoice and revenue forecast amounts with the as of dates. The invoiced, revenue, and draft amounts are also displayed. | |
Comparison Report | A list of project contracts to compare invoiced and revenue amounts between date ranges. Click | to show all data. You can limit the search for project contract, combined or separate revenue recognition, and project funding source. Searching on the date range fields only filters the amounts. You can compare previous periods to current periods.
Revenue To Expense Variance | A list of project contracts. Use this list to compare revenue to expense amounts and the variance from the General Ledger Totals. You can limit the search for project contract, combined or separate revenue recognition, and billing and revenue methods. When search is performed using the date range fields, only the amounts are filtered. Specify the period date range so that the amounts are displayed. Expenses can be filtered by an expense selection group. |
Journalized Balances | A list of all journalized invoiced and revenue balances by project contract. Aids in reconciling the billed unearned and earned unbilled balances. When the total journalized invoiced amount is greater than the total journalized recognized revenue amount, the amount is displayed in the billed/unearned balance. When the total journalized invoiced amount is less than the total journalized recognized revenue amount, the amount is displayed in the earned/unbilled balance. |
Invoices | Invoices that have been created or journalized are displayed by contract and project funding. The last column shows whether the line was adjusted. Click the contract hyperlink to open the contract. |
Reversals | Invoices that are reversed are displayed by contract and project funding. Click the contract link to open the contract. |
Lines | The invoice and revenue line details that have been created or journalized are displayed by contract and project funding. You can filter on type and line type. Click the contract hyperlink to open the contract. |
Errors | A list of the journalized invoice or revenue recognition errors are displayed by contract and project funding. |
Partially Billed | View all partially billed transactions on one page. You can also put on hold partially billed transactions or remove holds from this list. |
Partially Recognized | View all partially recognized transactions on one page. You can also put on hold partially recognized transactions or remove holds from this list. |
Revenue | Contracts that are created as separate for revenue recognition are displayed. Revenue that is recognized by contract and funding is displayed. |
Milestones | A list of the billing and the revenue milestones by contract, project funding, and milestone type. View all milestones, installments, percentage of completions, statuses, and due dates in one list. |
Percent Complete | The history of the percent complete that has been run by contract. |
Retainers | The retainer invoices and retainer adjustment invoices that have been created or journalized. Sorted by contract and project funding. |
Front End Split Results | A list of the results for contracts that are front end split enabled. The report is sorted by project contract. Errors are denoted on the journalize group column. Use Drill Around® on the journalize group to view errors on the Global Ledger Interface Transactions or the Global Ledger Interface Results. |
Reallocation Results | A list of the results for contracts with reallocated front end splits. The report is sorted by project contract. Click the Journalize Group column to view errors on the Global Ledger Interface Transactions or the Global Ledger Interface Results. |
Deliverables | A list of project funding records that have assigned deliverables. |
Modifications | A list of the contract modifications for contracts, sorted by modification and contract. Shows the original and new values. Shows the modification selection to update the contract and the funding amounts. |
Contract Change Requests | A list of the change requests for project contracts, sorted by project contract. The new values, status, requester, date, and approver are displayed. |
Project Funding Change Requests | A list of the source change requests for project funding, sorted by project funding source. The new values, status, requester, date, and approver are displayed. |
Receivable Transactions with Cash Applied | The invoice line details with cash applied. The invoice status, invoice amount, cash receipts, and open amount are displayed. |
Receivable Transactions | The invoice line details for all project receivable transactions. The invoice status, invoice amount, cash receipts, and open amount are displayed. |
Project Contract Fees | A list of project contracts with contract fees. All fields for the fee code are included. Use this list to update contract fee status or to create new fee rates or percentages. See Creating new fee rate or percent or Updating project contract fee status in the Financials Setup and Administration Guide. |