Sending labor distribution notification

Email notifications can be sent to employees to specify actual labor percentages for a period. The email can be sent multiple times. The email is sent to the employees with a status of blank or entered for the period. Verify that the employee record includes a work email address. The body of the email includes the employee name, labor distribution period, and the comment that is provided.

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant and select Project Management > Labor Distribution.
  2. On the By Period tab, select the period.
  3. In the By Period pane, select Actions > Labor Distribution Email.
  4. Specify this information:
    From Email
    Specify the sender of the email. The default is the email address of the user.
    CC Email
    Specify an email address to send a copy of the email to employees with open labor distribution.
    Specify the subject line of the email. The default value is Actual Labor Required.
    Specify the text of the email message.
  5. Click Submit. The Labor Distribution Email Date column is updated. To view the dates and times of previous notices, open the audit log for the record.