Project receivables

After the invoices in Project Ledger are journalized, they can be viewed in the Receivables solution.

Cash applications for invoices are managed in Receivables. We recommend that you perform invoice adjustments and write-offs in Project Ledger so that the project contract transactions are tracked correctly.

Lists that can be personalized to include project data:

  • The Transactions tab in Receivables Analysis
  • The Review Transactions tab in Additional Actions

Posting AR details to Project Ledger

AR transactions from project invoices, cash payments, and cash applications are posted to Project Ledger and other user dimensions, when certain conditions in the AR company record are met. See Receivables setup in the Financials Setup and Administration Guide.

Before you can include AR details when posting transactions, you must enable the functionality so that your open receivables transactions are posted by project and other dimensions.

When invoices and debits are created in Receivables, the Receivable Finance Structure field from the contract funding source is used when contract invoices are journalized. This field is required when the functionality is enabled.
Note: This feature cannot be enabled if Fund Accounting is enabled.
Use this procedure to enable posting details from Receivables to Project Ledger:
  1. Select Receivable Companies and open the company record.
  2. On the Accounts tab, select the Allow Detailed Invoice Accrual Distribution check box.

See the Receivables User Guide.