Invoice approval tabs

Use the information in these tabs to manage and approve invoices:

Tab Description
Search A list of invoices is displayed based on the criteria you specify.
Unassigned A list of the invoices that have not been assigned is displayed.
Unsubmitted A list of the invoices that have not been submitted for approval is displayed.
Pending Approval A list of the invoices that have not yet been approved or rejected by the designated approver is displayed.
Approved Unreleased A list of the invoices that have been approved but not yet sent for payment is displayed.
Amended A list of the amended invoices is displayed.
Released A list of the released invoices is displayed.
Rejected A list of the invoices that have been rejected by the approver is displayed. Rejected invoices can be reinstated.
On Hold A list of invoices that are on hold is displayed. A payment cannot be released until the hold is removed.
Out Of Balance Invoices A list of invoices that are out of balance displayed.
Invoice Aging A list of invoices is displayed and the number of days each invoice is past due is indicated.
Paid A list of the invoices that have completed the payment cycle is displayed.
Cancelled A list of the invoices that have been canceled is displayed.
Speed Entry Use this page to create an invoice with a distribution using a subset of the most common fields. The invoicse are added to a different table and then uploaded to the Payables Invoice by batch.
List Entry For this method, invoices are added to the Payables Invoice table faster than the full invoice page.
Search by PO A list of invoices is displayed based on the purchase order number you specify.
Background Processing A list of invoices with background processing conditions is displayed. These invoices can impede month end close because the distributions are not journalized. These invoices are not paid or matched when a background processing message is displayed.