Viewing historical cash requirements results
Use this procedure to view completed
cash requirements.
- Sign in as Payables Manager and select Run Processes > Process Payments > Cash Requirements Results.
- Select the Historical tab.
- Open a record.
- You can use the Print to File and Refresh actions.
Historic transactions have no change actions. These tabs are
Tab Description Parameters Shows the fields that were populated for the job that was run. Selected Vendors Shows the payments for a vendor. Includes the Vendor Search Name, Pay Vendor, Remit To Code, Cash Code, Bank Transaction, Vendor, Total Payment Amount, Total Discount Amount, Total Net Payment Amount, Invoice Currency, Total Bank Check Amount, and Check Currency. Selected Invoice Payments Shows the payment that was created. Includes the Vendor, Cash Code, Bank Code, Reference Number, Payment Processing Hold Code, Payment Number, Payment Date, and Bank Check Amount. Scheduled Payments Shows payments that are scheduled. Includes Cash Group, Paid Vendor, Paid name, Cash Code, Cash Ledger Source Record, Bank transaction Code, Payment Number, Payment Amount, Payment Currency, and Payment Date. Scheduled Payments Summary Provides a total of Scheduled Payments. Includes Cash Group, Cash Code, Paid Vendor, and Payment Amount.